- Artificial intelligence methods for control
- Cyber-physical systems
- Distributed and decentralised control
- Hybrid systems
- Multi-scale modelling and control
- Network science
- Stochastic systems
- System identification and modelling
- Systems engineering
- Systems of systems
- Linear control design
- Nonlinear control
- Predictive control
- Fault detection and diagnosis
- Health monitoring
- Estimation and filtering
- Linear control theory
- Multi-agent methods and distributed control
- Sliding mode control
- Classical and optimal control methods
- Multi-objective methods and optimisation
- Autonomous systems
- Control education
- Iterative learning control
- Big data systems
- Future cities
- Human-machine systems
- Intelligent manufacturing and production
- Medical and biological systems
- Renewable energy and smart grids
- Robotics and autonomous systems
- Social systems
- Transportation and vehicle systems
- Emerging applications
- Bio-systems and the environment
- Process control systems
- Active noise and vibration control
- Communication systems
- Energy and Power systems
- Economic and finance systems
- Aerospace and space systems
- Teaching laboratories
- Embedded systems